Quest:Overdue Payments

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Overdue Payments
Level 115
Type Solo
Starts with Dagrun
Starts at Lake-town: The Master's Manor
Start Region Eryn Lasgalen
Map Ref [17.3N, 26.8W]
Quest Group The Dale-lands
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Now, I suppose we must conduct town business sooner or later. Part of the job of Master is managing the wealth of Lake-town. That includes collecting a fair share of taxes from each citizen. From what I can tell, a handful of citizens are quite overdue on their payments. I think our previous Master was not very aggressive in his collecting.'

She hands you a list of names.

'Please visit these people in Lake-town and kindly ask them to pay what they owe the town. And please, be polite, but firm.'


The new Master of Lake-town, Dagrun, has asked you to collect overdue tax payments from several stingy citizens of Lake-town.

Objective 1

Rikolf, Frekur, Orgrand, Ránnvig, and Olgat can be found in Lake-town.

You should visit Rikolf, Frekur, Orgrand, Ránnvig, and Olgat to collect their payments.

Frekur: 'Oh, you again. What do you want now?'
You explain that you are here to collect his late tax payments.
'The nerve of that woman! One day on the job and already making demands! Fine, take it and get out!'
Frekur hands over his payment
Orgrand: 'If it isn't <name> again. What can I do for you?'
You explain that you are here to collect his late tax payments.
'Oh. Um.... I'm afraid I don't have the money right now. I donated quite a lot to the orphanage and Sútvif's family...'
You shoot him a steely look. His façade falters.
'Ah, I may have just spent too much money on rounds of ale for my friends... Look, this is all I have right now; just take it.'
Orgrand hands over his payment
Rikolf: 'H-hello there, <name>...'
You explain that you are here to collect his late tax payments. He becomes saddened.
'Oh... Háta handled the coin... Let me get you what I owe. Please apologize to Dagrun for me.'
Rikolf hands over his payment
Olgat: 'Can I help you with something? I have a tavern to run here.'
You explain that you are here to collect his late tax payments.
'So, Dagrun's already making friends, hm? Go ahead and take this. I would prefer to stay on the new Master's good side.'
Olgat hands over his payment
Ránnvig: 'Yes? Can I help you?'
You explain that you are here to collect her late tax payments.
'Oh my, I had no idea I was late on my taxes! Please, take this to Dagrun, and tell her she has my full support!'
Ránnvig hands over her payment
LAKE-TOWN TAXES "Taxes collected from citizens in Lake-town."

Objective 2

Dagrun can be found in the Master's Manor in Lake-town.

You should talk to Dagrun.

Dagrun: Dagrun takes the collections, counts them, and compares the amounts to her records.
'Orgrand still owes us some money, I see. That man is going to be a thorn in my side. I just know it. Thank you for your work, <name>.'